1. Data input
  2. An input file for BtToxin_Digger must be in Fasta/Fastq format. For the web version, you could upload less than 10 fasta files once a time, and it accepts only Protein sequences, Coding sequences and Assembled genomes as inputs; for the local version, there is no limit to the number of files, and in addition to the above three type of files, it also accepts Sequencing reads as inputs.

  3. Set run parameter
  4. For the web version, select the input sequence type: Proteins, CDSs (Coding Sequences) or Nucleotide sequences, provide the uniform suffix of sequences files, and also provide an arbitrary string to distinguish multiple batches.

    For the local version, there are a few more parameters to provide, please visit the web page for detial, users can write their own commands based on the examples we provide.

  5. Results
  6. As soon as the run completed. The results can be downloaded on the web page.